13 - Heating demand. It is enabled by going to the “WORKING
MODE” menu (section 8.2.9) in the “Heating / cooling
switch” parameter and selecting “External signal control”
or “External signal c outdoor temp.”. If you choose
the second option, you must complete the limits of “Outdoor
temp.“, as they have priority over external contact.
WARNING !!! If both external signals (“12” and “13”)
are closed the appliance has no priority and stops.
14 - Double setpoint demand (see section 8.2.11 “WATER
15 - Circuit 1 temperature sensor (TV1)
16 - Circuit 2 temperature sensor (TV2)
17 - Room temperature sensor (Tr). It must always be
connected and must be left under the appliance.
18 - Heating/Cooling thermoregulation sensor (Tc)
19 - Indoor unit (terminals)
20 - DHW integrative electrical heater (1,5kW) inside the
heat pump
21 - Outdoor unit electrical supply
33 - Integrative electrical heater (3kW) (DHW and heating)
and heating integrative electrical heater (3kW)