CorDES Proprietary Information
1. GOE must be set always to NRZ-L, LVDS to operate with the CDNA.
2. Uplink (Encrypt), and Downlink (Decrypt) directions for each channel must match
between the GOE & CDNA.
Configuring the Plain Text (PT) and Cipher Text (CT) Interfaces Device Settings
There are two PT channel settings windows and two CT channel setting window on the main
Device Settings page. Each ECU in the CDNA device is assigned a physical PT and CT
interface socket as shown in Table 4-2. Each ECU has 2 physical channels, but they share
common PT and CT 1GbE PHY ports on the front panel. The channels are multiplexed onto the
common interface and separated by TCP/UDP port numbers as shown below.
PT Channels[0,1] use one common 1GbE PHY on the front panel, labeled PT[0].
PT Channels[2,3] use one common 1GbE PHY on the front panel, labeled PT[1].
CT Channels[0,1] use one common 1GbE PHY on the front panel, labeled CT[0].
CT Channels[2,3] use one common 1GbE PHY on the front panel, labeled CT[1].
The CDNA data channels
’ IP addresses are statically assigned based on the information
configured here. The CDNA runs a TCP/IP or UDP/IP socket server for each channel based on
this information and the OP Mode selected.
To configure the PT and CT data ports, navigate to the Device Settings tab. Enter the IPv4
address, NetMask and default Gateway information as shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12 . The
NRZ Mode is hard coded to NRZ-L.
Figure 11 Configuring PT Data Interfaces