Notices for installation
Before installating, please contact with local authorized maintenance center, if
unit is not installed by the authorized maintenance center, the malfunction may
not solved,due to discommodious contact.
The air conditioner must be installed by professionals according to the national
wiring rules and this manual.
Refrigerant leak test must be made after installation.
To move and install air conditioner to another place, please contact our local
special service center.
Important Notices
Open the box and check air conditioner in area with good ventilation (open the
door and window) and without ignition source. Note: Operators are required to
wear anti-static devices.
It is necessary to check by professional whether there is refrigerant leakage
before opening the box of outdoor machine; stop installing the air conditioner if
leakage is found.
The fire prevention equipment and anti-static precautions shall be prepared well
before checking.Then check the refrigerant pipeline to see if there is any
collision traces, and whether the outlook is good.
Unpacking Inspection
Fire prevention device shall be prepared before installation.
Keep installing site ventilated.(open the door and window)
Ignition source,smoking and calling is not allowed to exist in area where R32
refrigerant located.
Anti-static precautions in necessary for installing air conditioner,
e.g. wear pure cotton clothes and gloves. Keep leak detector in working state during
the installation.
If R32 refrigerant leakage occurs during the installation, you shall immediately
detect the concentration in indoor environment until it reaches a safe level. If
refrigerant leakage affects the performance of the air conditioner, please
im mediately stop the operation, and the air conditioner must be vacuumed
firstly and be returned to the maintenance station for processing.
Keep electric appliance, power switch, plug, socket, high temperature heat
source and high static away from the area underneath sidelines of the indoor
The air conditioner shall be installed in an accessible location to installation and
maintenance, without obstacles that may block air inlets or outlets of
indoor/outdoor units, and shall keep away from heat source, inflammable or
explosive conditions.
Safety Principles for Installing Air Conditioner