PoolWarden Manual www.poolwardentraining.com 530-205-4520 39
Flow not registering even though the magnet is up
Make sure the flow sensor detector wire is connected to the correct switch input. Pool 1 uses Flow 1 and
Pool 2 uses Flow 3. On the readings display, the flow indication for Pool 1 is Flow input 1 and for Pool 2
is Flow input 3, this can’t be changed. If you moved the Pool 1 flow sensor to Flow input 2 the display will
still show the status of Flow input 1.
Rotate the flow sensor ¼ turn. There is a polarity between the magnet and the flow sensor and rotating
the sensor slightly may help.
Alarm light is on, but the readings are OK
There are many factors that affect the alarm status. From the readings screen press the right arrow to
enter the alarm conditions screen. This will list all of the factors from the alarm settings that are causing
the alarm light to be on.
ORP and pH readings are way off
If the ORP and pH sensors wires are swapped this will cause readings that are way off. The ORP sensor
will read near 0 and the pH sensor will be maxed out. Check the wire connections.
Check the circuit boards and make sure they are all properly seated in their connectors.
Clean the sensors and check the date code.
ORP and pH readings are drifting
The most common cause of sensor drifting is a poor earth ground connection to the PoolWarden. A good
way to test the earth ground connection is to measure with a digital voltmeter one of the ground terminals
on the main board in the lid to a piece of metal in the pump room.
Chemical feeders are not turning on
The first test is to make sure they can turn on. Go to the service menu and select Manual Relay Mode
and turn on the feeder to test. If if doesn’t turn on then there may be a problem with the feeder, the wiring
or even the relay.
Try plugging the feeder into an alternate power source to make sure it can turn on.
The setting for the relay control require a flow switch to be on and an overfeed timer to not be reached.
ORP varies from day to night with the same pH and free chlorine
The presence of cyanuric acid in pool water is a challenge for ORP sensors as they detect the waters ability
to oxidize which cyanuric acid has an impact on and is dependant on the amount of sunlight hitting the
water. The PoolWarden has an advanced feature allowing for an automatic decrease in the ORP value at
night to help compensate for this effect (go to the advanced menu for more information). If there is cyanuric
acid in the water then the following guidelines may help:
Only calibrate the ORP sensor at the brightest time of the day. If you calibrate the sensor at night when
the chlorine is all available that will then lead to an overfeed condition on the next day when the sun is
out and the ORP drops.
Forgot Your Password
If you enabled the security feature and forgot your password all is not lost. Contact ControlOMatic with the
serial number and proof of ownership and a password reset code will be provided that will clear all of the
security passwords. Each PoolWarden has it’s own unique reset code and one that works on one
PoolWarden will not work on another.