PoolWarden Manual www.poolwardentraining.com 530-205-4520 14
Default Readings Screen
The Default Readings Screen is displayed after power up and when a button
isn’t pressed for a period of time. It is the most critical screen as it will
display the current pH & ORP sensor readings, flow status, relay status,
alarm status and various symbols that are defined below. Menus within
PoolWarden are accessed through the Default Readings Screen . Please
review definitions of all Row & Column information and symbols below.
ORP pH Tf Flow
681 7.7 75 ON a
695 7.5 102 ON
↓o_ N
Default Readings Screen
Row 1 (Column Header):
The first row is a column header and defines what you find below that particular
column header. Example above: The “pH” Column Header on the first row means that the current pH
readings for Pool 1 (7.7) and Pool 2 (7.5) are just below. When the PoolWarden is turned on a number will
display on this line to the right which is a delay before the relays will operate, the turn on delay gives time
for accurate reading prior to controlling the relays.
Row 2 (Current Measurements Pool1):
The current real time measurements and status for Pool 1.
Example above for Pool 1: ORP=681, pH=7.7, Temperature (Tf) = 75 degrees Fahrenheit, Flow = ON. The
“a” on the far right indicates that Pool1 is in alarm.
Row 3 (Current Measurements Pool2):
The current real time measurements and status for Pool 2.
Example above for Pool 1: ORP=695, pH=7.5, Temperature (Tf) = 102 degrees Fahrenheit, Flow = ON
and the alarm is not on for Pool2.
Row 4 (Relay Status):
Row 4 displays the current status of all the relays in the following order with
symbols that are defined below (
= Pool1 and
= Pool 2);
ORP1, pH1, Aux1, Aux2
ORP2, pH2, Aux3, Aux4
_ : An underline indicates the relay is OFF and not in an active feed cycle.
: An Up arrow indicates the relay is ON and in an active feed cycle.
: A Down arrow indicates the relay is OFF and in the OFF part of an active cycle.
o : An "o" indicates the relay has reached the on time limit (overfeed limit) for the day and will not turn
on again until the overfeed limit clears automatically each night at midnight or when PoolWarden’s
power is cycled.
s : An "s" indicates the relay has reached the setpoint overfeed limit and will not turn on again until
the setpoint is achieved by other means (manually adding the required chemicals). The only other way
to clear this is to cycle power.
NOTE: The setpoint overfeed will not clear when the Clear Overfeed
menu item is selected in the service menu or at midnight like the daily overfeed.
The letter ‘b’ next to an ORP reading indicates ORP is in pH lockout and ORP backup is on.
The letter ‘p’ next to an ORP reading indicates ORP is in pH lockout and is off.
Other Symbols Defined:
The letter “a” on the right will display when the Pool alarm is on.
“p” In the last 4 characters of the display screen, indicates a user PIN code has been entered, this will
clear when it is sent to the server.
“N” or “c” is displayed in the lower right indicates communication status with remote networks.
The LOCK symbol in the lower right indicates security is enabled.
Flow Status:
The flow will either be ON or OFF with the standard flow sensor or if a digital flow sensor is
used. Digital flow sensor indication will be ON if the sensor is active. Flow status for Pool 1 uses Flow 1
input for the sensor connection and Pool 2 uses Flow 3 input for the sensor connection on the sensor
circuit board. This cannot be changed. For status with digital flow sensors press the
Up Arrow
to access
the digital flow sensor screen.