BB2-7030 User Guide – Rev. 1.0
Page 34
Selecting "none" for remote type effectively deletes the rule even though it will still appear in the
list until deleted. Unused rules at the end of the list will always show none as the type. If you
wish to prevent these from being displayed, reduce the number of rules enabled.
Initial COV increment and period will only apply if a BACnet client subscribes to COV
notification from the BACnet object assigned to this Modbus map. These properties may be
overwritten by the BACnet client(s) at any time. The values shown here are initial values, not
necessarily the current values. (Note: COV increment only applies to Analog objects, all changes
are reported for Binary or Multistate objects.)
Units default to no_units, but you may select any of the available BACnetEngineeringUnits
values. This value will simply be read by the BACnet client when the units property is requested
from the object this Modbus register maps to. The units have no bearing on calculations
performed. You must select appropriate scale and offset values to make any required translation
between Modbus units and BACnet units. Units are only valid for Analog objects.
The number of rules enabled simply limits the scope of rule review so that you do not have to
review a lot of unused rules. If the displayed rules are used up and you need more, increase the
enabled number.
Rule number simply tells you where you're at on the list of register maps. Click "next" and
"prev" to scroll through the list. To advance directly to a specific map, enter the desired number
in the "Showing" box, then click Update.
Rules entered on this page only write data to remote devices. Go to the Client Read Map to read
data from those devices. The full parameter set is different for read versus write.