If, instead of No Repsonses, the count you see is Exceptions, this means you are communicating just fine,
but the slave is telling you that your request is incorrect. You are asking for a register number that does
not exist, using the incorrect register type, etc. Something about configuration is not right if you get
Exception errors.
If the Error Codes page is showing a problem, this will also be reflected by the BACnet object reliability
code and status bits as illustrated below.
Once the problem is resolved and you are successfully receiving data, the BACnet object will reflect a
reliability code of zero and the fault bits will be clear.
15.2 Modbus TCP Trouble Shooting
This discussion assumes you want the Babel Buster BB2-7010 to be the Modbus TCP Master. Let's review
15. Trouble Shooting
file:///C:/AAA_CSI/Literature/2015 User Guides/BB2-7010/BB2-7010 ...
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