The BB2-7010 can be a Modbus RTU master or slave. As slave, the BB2-7010 will respond to another
Modbus master and return data requested. The various objects in the BB2-7010 are accessed as holding
registers, with register numbers calculated and based on object type and instance.
8.1 Modbus RTU Device Configuration
Modbus device configuration for RTU really consists of port configuration, and includes setting the slave
address if the BB2-7010 is functioning as Modbus slave.
Select baud rate and parity from the drop down list. Click either Master or Slave buttons to select type of
operation. Enter timing parameters or address as applicable. Click update to register your changes.
The double register swap on this page only applies when the local device (the gateway you are configuring
here) is functioning as a Modbus RTU slave. If the Modbus master expects least significant data to be in
the first (lowest numbered) register, then check the "swap" box.
The term "swapped" only applies to double or float formats. Modbus registers are, by definition, 16 bits of
data per register. Access to 32-bit data, either 32-bit integer ("double"), or IEEE 754 floating
8. Configuring BB2-7010 as a Modbus RTU Slave
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