Rule number simply tells you where you're at on the list of register maps. Click "next" and "prev" to scroll
through the list. To advance directly to a specific map, enter the desired number in the "Map #" box, then
click Update.
The local object data may be written periodically, or when it changes, or both. To send upon change (send
on delta), check the first box and enter the amount by which the local object must change before being
written to the remote device. To guarantee that the remote register will be written at least occasionally
even if the data does not change, check the second box and enter some amount of time. This time period
will be referred to as the "maximum quiet time".
Data from the local object may be manipulated before being written to the remote register. The local data
is first multiplied by the scale factor. The offset is then added to it. If a bit mask is entered, and the
remote register type is signed or unsigned (16-bit data), the mask will be bit-wise logical AND-ed with the
data. The mask is right justified, then AND-ed with the data. The result is then left shifted back to the
original position of the mask. In other words, the least significant bits of the original data will be stuffed at
the position marked by the mask.
After the scaling and masking, the bit fill will be logically OR-ed into the result, but only if the mask was
nonzero and was used. Both mask and fill are entered in hexadecimal.
Multiple local objects may be packed into a single remote register. To accomplish this, define two or more
rules in sequence with the same remote destination. If the destination is the same, data types are 16-bit
(integer or unsigned), bit masks are nonzero, and the rules are sequential, the results of all qualifying
rules will be OR-ed together before being sent to the remote destination.
6. Configuring BB2-7010 as a Modbus TCP Client
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