AI n = Analog Input #n
AO n = Analog Output #n
AV n = Analog Value #n
BI n = Binary Input #n
BO n = Binary Output #n
BV n = Binary Value #n
MI n = Multi-state Input #n
MO n = Multi-state Output #n
MV n = Multi-state Value #n
Object numbers start at #1. The maximum available number varies by object type, and these limits may
be found on the System Capacities link from the home/index page (click graphic at top).
Rule number simply tells you where you're at on the list of OID maps. Click "next" and "prev" to scroll
through the list. To advance directly to a specific map, enter the desired number in the "Map #" box, then
click Update.
For each remote OID to be read, enter the full OID and location (device). The names in the device list are
defined in the Devices page.
When the remote OID is read, data may be manipulated before being written to the local object. The result
will be multiplied by the scale factor if any non-zero scale factor is given. The offset is then added and this
final result is written to the local object number given. The name is optional and used only for display
purposes (but will also be returned as the object name to the BACnet client).
The periodic poll time determines how often the remote OID will be read. This number, if nonzero, will
override the default poll time given in the Devices page for the remote device being read.
The default value will be stored into the local object after the given number of read failures if the fail count
11. Using the BB2-7010-02 as an SNMP Client (Manager)
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