5 Software Setup
Re-authentication interval
Specify the time interval at which to perform re-authentication, between 2 and 4320 minutes. The
factory default setting is 60.
RADIUS server multiple registration
Up to four RADIUS servers can be registered by entering their IP address, port number, and shared
secret. Even when one RADIUS server goes down, clients can connect to another RADIUS server as
long as there are two or more RADIUS servers registered.
RADIUS server 1 is assigned the highest priority. If the client cannot connect to it, the client will
attempt to connect to RADIUS servers 2 to 4 sequentially.
RADIUS server IP address
Enter the IP address of the RADIUS server.
RADIUS server port No.
Enter the number of the port to be used for communication with the RADIUS server.
Shared secret
Enter a shared secret value.
Bridge packet control
Enabling the bridge packet control function can restrict communication between clients accommodated
by the same access point. The factory default setting is “disable”.
You can specify the network in which to share files by editing the bridge packet control list. Register the
MAC address of the router that permits the clients to share files.
When specifying the MAC address, enter a hyphen (-) at intervals of two bytes.
(Example: 01-23-45-67-89-ab)
Network time
Enabling the network time function can synchronize the access point time with the network time. The
factory default setting is “disable”.
Before you can enable this function, you have to set the IP address and time zone of a network time
server on the network. (Example: For use in Japan, enter “+09:00” (meaning UTC + 9 hours) as the
Japan standard time is nine hours ahead of Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).)