congatec AG shall in no event be liable to the end user for collateral or consequential damages of any kind. congatec shall not otherwise be
liable for loss, damage or expense directly or indirectly arising from the use of the product or from any other cause. The sole and exclusive
remedy against congatec, whether a claim sound in contract, warranty, tort or any other legal theory, shall be repair or replacement of the
product only.
congatec AG is certified to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 standard.
Technical Support
congatec AG technicians and engineers are committed to providing the best possible technical support for our customers so that our products
can be easily used and implemented. We request that you first visit our website at for the latest documentation, utilities and
drivers, which have been made available to assist you. If you still require assistance after visiting our website then contact our technical support
department by email at [email protected]
Lead-Free Designs (RoHS)
All congatec AG designs are created from lead-free components and are completely RoHS compliant.
Electrostatic Sensitive Device
All congatec AG products are electrostatic sensitive devices and are packaged accordingly. Do not open or handle a congatec AG product
except at an electrostatic-free workstation. Additionally, do not ship or store congatec AG products near strong electrostatic, electromagnetic,
magnetic, or radioactive fields unless the device is contained within its original manufacturer’s packaging. Be aware that failure to comply with
these guidelines will void the congatec AG Limited Warranty.
ISO 9001