Condair TE
Turn the Fan High/Low
The fan in the humidifier runs on two speeds, high and low.
To toggle the fan speed between high and low:
1. Press the Fan button on the remote controller. Toggle this as necessary while the product is operating.
Turning OFF the Fan
The fan activates periodically during 24 hour operation of the humidifier, as well as after humidifier shut
down, to dry the media in the humidifier. Drying improves hygienic operating conditions, so it is strongly
advised to AVOID SHUTTING OFF THE FAN prematurely and allow the humidifier to dry properly.
To turn off the fan:
1. Press the Stop button on the remote controller.
Configuring the Humidifier
Increasing/Decreasing the Water Supply Volume (DIP Switch Settings)
The solenoid valve opens and closes to allow water to periodically enter the humidification module. The
ratio between ON and OFF will depend on the water quality and the DIP switch setting DS1.
Your water supply may contain minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, and the air may contain
dust and other debris. If there is a large quantity of contaminants in the air and water, it is important that
they are washed away more frequently. Thus, the Condair Ceiling Mounted Evaporative Humidifier will
require extra supply water volumes to do this.
Another reason one would want to increase the water supply volume would be because the air intake is
dry, such as during the heating season. With an increase in dry air, the formation of scale is increased,
so increasing the water supply volume can help alleviate this.
To change the water supply volume:
1. Remove power to the humidifier. Failure to do so will prevent the settings from saving on the unit.
2. Adjust the DIP Switch DS1 settings on the humidifier. Refer to
. The DIP switch
can be found on the control unit (refer to
After changing the water volume settings, water supply should remain open for 10 minutes before
entering normal operation.
Table 4:
Supply water volume rate and DIP Switch settings
DIP Switch Setting
DS1 pin 4 OFF
DS 1 pin 4 ON
DS1 pin 3 ON
DS1 pin 4 ON
Supply volume
0.025 gpm (0.094 L/min) ± 20% 0.033 gpm (0.125 L/min) ± 20% 0.050 gpm (0.188 L/min) ± 20%
45 seconds on, 45 seconds off
60 seconds on, 30 seconds off
90 seconds on, 0 seconds off