SEttINg NX For 24/7 opErAtIoN
On the NX, go to Connections under the
System Settings
Select the
Always Connect To Remote
entry and all available connections will appear on the right. Setting this value to
one of your pre-defined connections results in configuring the unit for 24/7 operation to that remote. No configuration is
necessary on the remote side.
NX has another option for continuous connections. When building a new remote on the Remote Connections menu,
there is a field for backup options. One of those options is called “
Keep Retrying This Remote
Using this mode will allow the unit to disregard the timeout value and keep a persistent connection. The difference is
that the
function still works and the connection will not be reinitiated on a power re-cycle. This mode is
meant for users who are making temporary connections, but do not want the system to time out and disconnect in the
event of network failure.