In some situations, it might not be desirable for every codec in your fleet to see the Switchboard status of every other
codec. To help filter what’s displayed on a codec’s interface, Switchboard has implemented the concept
Contact Lists
. Contact Lists contain a subset of your codec fleet on your account. You can create multiple
Contact Lists that consist of different subsets. With the exception of Shares (discussed next), only units within your
Switchboard account may be assigned to Contact Lists.
By default, a master Contact List is created that contains all codecs on your account. And by default, every codec in your
fleet uses the master list. So if you’re not interested in segregating codecs on your account, the default configuration will
work fine.
As shown above, you can select one of your individual codecs and change the
Active Contact List
. This will change the list
of codecs displayed on that unit.
IMPORTANT: Assigning a Contact List to a codec determines what gets displayed in its own list. It does not have any
impact on how that codec is displayed on other devices.