gEttINg StArtEd wIth NX
powErINg up NX
NX can be powered from its internal battery or an external supply. The internal battery has a low-voltage lockout function
that prevents power-up if the battery voltage is too low.
Whenever the external supply is attached, regardless of the whether NX is turned on or off, the internal battery will be
charging. The battery status is always available by looking at the rear-panel battery LED (red = charging, green = full).
Power up NX by pressing the recessed power button (left-most on the keypad) for three seconds. The display will “wink”
when NX has accepted the keypress. NX takes approximately 30 seconds to boot, and the display will be blank for part of
the boot cycle.
powErINg dowN NX
After use, NX is powered down by pressing the recessed power key (left-most on keypad) for three seconds. Note that if
the internal battery is installed and charged, simply pulling the power cord from NX will not result in a shutdown, as the
backup battery function will keep NX active.
CoNtrollINg NX FroM thE touCh SCrEEN
NX has a five-inch capacitive touch screen for programming settings and making connections. It might not respond when
the user wears gloves or tries to use a stylus or other pointing device. Most functions can also be controlled by the
navigation keypad below the display.