CDD 5.0: user manual – Rev.01
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PC19: FFC options
This parameter sets how the controller manages the closing force limiter, when the FFC command is active,
and the system is in Fire-Fighting mode. The other reversing sources eventually connected to the controller
(barriers, photocells) are always disabled when FFC command is active.
Parameter value
00 = closing force limiter
The controller, when in Fire-Fighting mode, drives the door closing with the closing
force limiter disabled ( the door operation are manually managed by the fire-fighter
directly from the car)
01 = Closing force limiter
enabled with reduced
(default value)
The controller, in any door closing condition (also during reduced speed closing), keeps
the closing force limiter active, with sensitivity reduced to the minimum.
PC20: EOD function time-out (based on EOC input)
This parameter allows to change the total time of the emergency opening cycle. This function is active
The emergency battery is connected to the door drive (+ and – plugs of the X4 connector)
The EOC contact is installed at the evacuation floor, and connected to the EOC input plug of the
X3.2 connector.
In this way, when the main power supply fails, the MLC drives the car to the emergency floor. The door
controller then detects the KEOD input active, and proceed with a temporized opening of the door. Once
the set time is elapsed, the door will close.
The total time of this cycle (from door closed to door closed) is defined with this parameter. The parameter
is expressed in minutes and it is adjustable in the range [1 ; 5]minutes. The default value is 1’.
Output signals management
PC07: AUXS output options
This option permits to configure the AUXS output, that is a double contact relay.
Parameter value
00 = disabled
The AUXS output not used
01 = active during door
The AUXS output is active when the door is opening. In this case it is normally
connected to an acoustic device (gong), that indicates the opening movement in
02 = space percentage
The AUXS output is active when the door position reached is higher than the space
percentage indicated by the PC08 parameter
03 = Error signal
(default value)
The AUXS output is active when the door drive is in alarm status, or in case of motor