TECH SUPPORT: 1.888.678.9427
The TST frame transmission bit rate - in Mega bits pr. second. Limit is 2.5Gbps. This is
the bit rate of a standard frame without any encapsulation. If 1 Mbps rate is selected in a
EVC MEP, the added tag will give a higher bitrate on the wire.
The TST frame transmission bit rate - in Mega bits pr. second. Limit is 400 Mbps. This is
the bit rate of a standard frame without any encapsulation. If 1 Mbps rate is selected in a
EVC MEP, the added tag will give a higher bitrate on the wire.
The TST frame transmission bit rate - in Mega bits pr. second. Limit is 400 Mbps. This is
the bit rate of a standard frame without any encapsulation. If 1 Mbps rate is selected in a
EVC MEP, the added tag will give a higher bitrate on the wire.
The TST frame size. This is entered as the wanted size (in bytes) of a un-tagged frame
containing TST OAM PDU - including CRC (four bytes).
Example when 'Size' = 64=> Un-tagged frame size = DMAC(6) + SMAC(6) + TYPE(2) +
TST PDU LENGTH(46) + CRC(4) = 64 bytes
The transmitted frame will be four bytes longer for each tag added - 8 bytes in case of a
tunnel EVC.
There are two frame MAX sizes to consider.
Switch RX frame MAX size: The MAX frame size (all inclusive) accepted on the switch port
of 96009600 Bytes
CPU RX frame MAX size: The MAX frame size (all inclusive) possible to copy to CPU of
15261526 Bytes
Consider that the Peer MEP must be able to handle the selected frame size. Consider
that in order to calculate the 'RX rate' a received TST PDU must be copied to CPU
Warning will be given if selected frame size exceeds the CPU RX frame MAX size
Frame MIN Size is 64 Bytes.
The 'empty' TST PDU has the size of 12 bytes. In order to achieve the configured frame
size a data TLV will be added with a pattern.
Example when 'Size' = 64=> Un-tagged frame size = DMAC(6) + SMAC(6) + TYPE(2) +
TST PDU LENGTH(46) + CRC(4) = 64 bytes
The TST PDU needs to be 46 bytes so a pattern of 46-12=34 bytes will be added.
All Zero: Pattern will be '00000000'
All One: Pattern will be '11111111'
10101010: Pattern will be '10101010'
Test Signal State
TX frame count The number of transmitted TST frames since last 'Clear'.
RX frame count The number of received TST frames since last 'Clear'.
RX rate
The current received TST frame bit rate in Kbps. This is calculated on a 1 s. basis, starting
when first TST frame is received after 'Clear'. The frame size used for this calculation is
the first received after 'Clear'
Test time
The number of seconds passed since first TST frame received after last 'Clear'.
This will clear all Test Signal State. Transmission of TST frame will be restarted.
Calculation of 'Rx frame count', 'RX rate' and 'Test time' will be started when receiving
first TST frame.
Only a Port MEP is able to be a server MEP with flow configuration. The Priority in the
client flow is always the highest priority configured in the EVC.