INS_RL1000GW_REV– 15 Jul 2016 PAGE 112
TECH SUPPORT: 1.888.678.9427
2. Configure the serial port properties. Field ‘mode-of-operation must be set to ‘transparent’. The
port properties must be in-line with the IEC 101 server device connected (same baudrate, parity,
stop bits, data bits and such)
serial port create port 1 mode-of-operation transparent baudrate 9600 parity even
3. Create the local serial service for the port. the field ‘application’ must be set to ‘iec101-gw’
serial local-end-point create port 1 service-id 1 application iec101-gw
4. Configure the gateway mode of operation and choose the ACE interface to be used. The IP
interface must be available in advance.
iec101-gw config gw update mode balanced ip _ addr
5. Configure the gateway properties to be in line with the IEC101 server settings.
iec101-gw config iec101 create port 1 asdu _ addr 1 orig _ addr 0 link _ addr 27 link _
address _ field _ length 2 common _ address _ field _ length 2 orig _ addr _ participate y
6. Follow show status
RL1000GW# router interface show
| Id | VLAN | Name | IP/Subnet | Mtu | Purpose | Admin status |
Description |
| 1 | N/A | eth1:1 | | 1500 | application host | enable | WAN
RL1000GW# iec101-gw show all
101-104 ROUTER
IEC 104:
| IP | ORIG. ADDR | CLOCK SYNC | TIME TAG | T0 | T1 | T2 | T3 |