Network Functions
Subscriber index
: At stations with Dot-Matrix Display a Intercom Server block can be pre-dialled
before displaying the subscriber index with
, e.g.:
. At “Subscriberlist Dot-Matrix Display”
in the folder “Intercom Server” in the combo-box “Intercom Server - Block” it can be selected, which
subscriber index is displayed with
without pre-dialling.
Chime signal:
At “Chime-signal” in the folder “Inputs” in the combo box “Intercom Server - Block”
it can be selected, which Intercom Servers shall receive the chime signal.
At the function “Video” in the combo-box “Intercom Server Block” the Intercom Server block
can be selected, that shall receive the camera texts at the start of the system.
Central Control Desk
(required only for LAN/WAN and S0-networks):
To transfer call requests and input messages to a central control desk over S0/LAN/WAN a Inter-
com Server block, that contains all Intercom Servers where a central control desk is defined or
where a call request/input message comes from (also transferred), has to be selected in the com-
bo-box “Intercom Server block controldesk-system” at “General” in the folder “Intercom Server -
Block No”.
In the combo-box “COMWIN transfer” the block can be selected, in which the acknowledgement
messages for call transfers are put out (Task 5B - Type 5x and 6x).
If Central Control Desk Call Transfer is used in an S0/LAN/WAN network, it can be an advantage
to define different Intercom Server blocks for different Intercom Server housings at “Central Con-
trol Desk System”.
Example: 3 Intercom Servers (A, B and C, each with a central control desk) are connected over S0.
The central control desks B and C shall be able to transfer calls to central control desk A. No call
requests are defined between Intercom Server B and C. Each time a call transfer from Intercom
Server B to Intercom Server A is activated, a short connection would be established also to Inter-
com Server C. This can be avoided e.g. with the following configuration:
(required only for LAN/WAN and S0-networks):
If a central control desk has defined “ICX-connection” or “Output dialling to ICX” and also conver-
sation messages from Intercom Servers, that are connected over S0/LAN/WAN, shall be put out,
at “General” in the folder “Intercom Server - Block No” in the combo-box “Intercom Server block
COMWIN” it has to be selected, from which Intercom Server block messages shall be put out.
Messages for call requests and input messages are put out in any case.
If several Intercom Servers with separate “ICX-connection” or “Output dialling to ICX” are con-
nected over S0/LAN/WAN, it can be necessary to define different configuration blocks for the dif-
ferent Intercom Server housings at “Comwin”.
Example: two separated Comwin-PCs are connected to two Intercom Servers (“ICX-connection”).
Each Comwin-PC shall only receive the messages from the own Intercom Server.
Another configuration example
see ”Example: ICX Messages only from Main Intercom Server” on
Parallel Outputs:
In S0-networks the outputs must be in the same “Config. Block”. This “Config.
Block” must also be configured at the S0-connections.
Intercom Server A:
Intercom Server B:
Intercom Server C:
“Intercom Server Block” (in the folder Intercom Server):
80, 81
80, 82
80, 83
“Intercom Server Blocks” (in the folder Interfaces)
80, 82, 83
80, 81, 83
80, 81, 82
Combo-box “Intercom Server block controldesk-system”: