PWR, SW version 2.5, ©ComAp
– May 2015
IA-NT- PWR-2.5-Reference Guide.pdf
AL Stop Fail
Output closes when the engine has to be stopped, but voltage, frequency or signal GenReadyToLoad
is detected. With start goes this protection inactive. If setpoint Stop Time is adjusted to value 3601
than stop time is infinite and alarm will never be active.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
AL Mains Fail
Output closes if the mains over/under voltage alarm, voltage asymmetry alarm or mains over/under
frequency alarm activates.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active
AL Start Fail
Output closes after the gen-set start-up fails.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
See setpoint Max Start Del for more information.
AL Overcurrent
Output closes if the generator
IDMT over current or
current unbalance or
short current alarm activates
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
AL BatteryFail
Output closes when IA-NT performs reset during start procedure (probably due to weak battery) or
when battery under/over voltage warning appears.
The output opens, if
alarm is not active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
AL Common Wrn
Output closes when any warning alarm appears.
The output opens, if
No warning alarm is active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
AL Common Trip
Output closes when any trip alarm appears.
The output opens, if
No trip alarm is active and
FAULT RESET is pressed
Mode OFF
The output is closed, if OFF Mode is selected.