www.winstonindustries.com | 1.800.234.5286
Thank you for your recent order. For your convenience,
we have summarized your responsibilities for receiving a
shipment and suggest procedures to follow if there is freight
damage. Once an order has left the factory all inspection
responsibilities for the shipment passes on to you.
If Merchandise Is Delivered in Damaged
Condition, You Must:
1. Have the driver note the damage and sign all copies
of the freight bill.
2. Examine for concealed damaged as soon as
3. Notify carrier of the freight claim immediately
(You have a 24-hour window).
4. Retain damaged merchandise and all original
packaging until inspected by carrier.
Steps to Take at Time of Delivery to Protect
Against Loss or Damage
1. Verify count. Make sure you receive as many
cartons as are listed on the delivery receipt. Note
any shortage on carrier’s delivery receipt and
have the driver note the shortage on your copy.
2. Carefully examine each carton for damage. If
damage is visible, note this fact on the delivery
receipt and have the driver clearly note the same
on your copy. If the carton appears to have internal
damage, insist that the package be opened. You
and the driver should make joint inspection of
the contents. Any concealed damage discovered
should be noted on the receipt and on your copy.
3. Immediately after delivery, open all cartons and
inspect for concealed damage.
Steps to Take When Visible or Concealed
Damage Is Discovered
1. Retain damaged items. The damaged items,
shipping cartons, and all inner packing materials
must be held in the receiving area until a carrier
representative inspects them or waives the
opportunity to inspect.
2. Call carrier to report damage and request
inspection. The call should be placed immediately
upon discovery of the damage. Claims will be
denied if not reported within 24/48 hours.
3. Confirm call in writing. For your own protection,
confirm your telephone claim in writing using
certified, return receipt requested mail.
Steps to Take When Carrier Makes Inspection
of Damaged Items
1. Have damaged items in receiving area. The
damaged items should have not been moved
from the receiving area. Allow the carrier
inspector to inspect cartons, inner packing
materials, and freight bill. Show your copy of
the delivery receipt.
2. Carefully Read The Inspection Report Before
Signing - If you do not agree with the report, do
not sign it.