6.10.3 Pause Printing Feature:
1. Push LCD knob and rotate to select “Pause print”;
2. Push LCD knob and rotate to select “Resuming print”to resume print.
NOTE: When pause printing, the printer head will go to home position and
be locked. The nozzle and the platform temperature will keep on.
a. Please clear up the remained filament outside the nozzle tip before
resume printing.
b. If resume printing after pause long time, please make sure the nozzle
no clogged by pressing the printer head arm and pushing the filament
into the nozzle until the filament flow out smoothly.
6.10.4 Stop Printing Feature:
1. Push LCD knob and rotate to select “Stop Print”;
2. Once stop, the printer head will go to home postion. the nozzle and the
platform temperature will cooldown. The printing cannot be resumed.
6.10 Print from SD Menu