Digital fire detection control panel
C / Compositor Wagner, 8 –P.I. Can Jardí 08191 - RUBÍ (Barcelona) ESPAÑA.
Tlf.: +34 935 862 690 –
In order to change the type of incident on the screen we must press the
key. - Look up incidents.
After viewing the incident that we wanted to look up, we press the right cursor to obtain in each case the
corresponding screen with the rest of the incident information.
The next step, after viewing the incident and pressing the ENTER key, is to enter the level 2 access code.
Once in level 2, we will press RESET and the control panel will enquire if we want to reset the incident.
access code 2 will remain active for a few seconds. If we exit level 2 access and the time of
authorisation at this level expires, it will be necessary to re-enter the corresponding code. Silence buzzer.
Key that enables the buzzer sound to be stopped after it has been activated by an
incident. It is automatically reactivated for each new incident.
3.2.2. - Level 2 access. - Access code.
P a s s w o r d
L e v e l 2 :
0 0
When pressing the menu key we access level 2 by means of a code (027). At this new level we will be able,
among other things, to deactivate incidents, to put zones into service, to disable zones and to activate and
deactivate relays. Front panel keypad.
Disable configured relay delays.
Deactivate all relays that are configured as sirens.
Activate all relays programmed as sirens and switches.
Change to manual mode and disable all automatic activations of
Key that enables the events generated in the system to be reset. Reset events.
After any of the incidents previously described have been detected and the access code to level 2 has been
entered, pressing the RESET key will deactivate these incidents, thereby resetting them.
If these incidents were faults, before resetting we must ensure that they have been corrected, otherwise they
will re-appear on the screen.