OPS. 141
Issue : A
Revision : 1
Date : 14/06/18
Doc i/d :
2.5. Transmitter & Receiver Units
By means of three M6 hexagon head screws, the transmitter and receiver may
be attached to the equipment mount with the flexible gasket supplied, fitted
between them. Take care to locate the dowel.
Figure 4 : Transmitter/Receiver and Air Purge
Before mounting the air purges and the transmitter and receiver,
ensure that compressed air is supplied to the air purge unit. If
this precaution is not observed, then the air purge and the
optical surfaces may be severely contaminated.
2.6. Air Supply
The purpose of the air purges is to keep the windows of the transmitter and the
receiver clean. Air may be supplied by one of two methods :
Compressed Air :
An air supply of 1.5bar is required, and the
consumption is 0.25l/s.
Blower Air :
A blower may be used to provide the air to the air
purge. Customers may specify their own blower; it should be able
to deliver 1.5l/s against the working pressure of the duct. CODEL
can specify a blower if required.