Victory 3_en.pdf http://en.codelight.com.cn
Touch Screen
The controller offers a 15-inch LCD capacitive touch screen for operating.
The operating options are on the right side of the touch screen. Most of the operations are worked on the touch
screen. Different working windows can be selected and displayed on the touch screen according to the needed.
There is a tool key in the upper right corner of each working window. When it is dark, it means there is no other
option. But there will be other options while it is white, then you can press the tool key for other functions.
Setting Up Working Windows
The position and size of the operation window are not fixed. You can
hold the top bar of the window and then slide
your finger to change its position. You can adjust the size of the window as operations below:
Hold the bottom right corner of the window, and slide your finger after the frame turned in RED, then
release at the wanted position to confirm the size.
Hold the upper left corner of the window, and slide your finger after the frame turned in RED, then release
at the wanted position to confirm the size.
The tool key