Appendix B: Dual antenna solution
Installation of the dual antenna solution
B.2.2 Installation
To install the dual antennas, do as follows:
1. Install the master ADU, BDU, the RX combiner and the VSAT modem.
2. Install the slave ADU, BDU and the TX splitter.
3. Provide vessel heading input to the master BDU and slave BDU.
4. Connect the cables.
Figure B-2: Dual mode antenna, connecting cables (example)
Connect cables
NMEA0183 Slave BDU to Master BDU
NMEA heading input
LAN 1 Slave BDU to LAN 3 on Master BDU
Dual communication
Master BDU LAN1 to GMU LAN1
Modem control
Master RS-232 to GMU RS-232
Modem control
Master/Slave RS-422 to GMU RS-422
Modem control & keyline
Master BDU TX In to TX Splitter
TX when Master is active
Slave BDU TX In to TX Splitter
TX when Slave is active
Master BDU Rx Out to RX Combiner
RX when Master is active
Slave BDU Rx Out to RX Combiner
RX when Slave active
VSAT modem TX out to TX Splitter
Input from VSAT modem
RX combiner to VSAT modem RX In
Output to VSAT modem
Table B-1: Dual mode antenna, cabling
Master BDU
Slave BDU
TX Splitter
RX Combiner
VSAT Modem
TX out
VSAT Modem
RX in
NMEA 0183
Heading input