Climbing Technology by Aludesign S.p.A. via Torchio 22
24034 Cisano B.sco BG ITALY
IST52-7H174CT_rev.0 05-21
The instruction manual for this device consists of general and specific instructions,
both must be carefully read and understood before use.
This leaflet
shows the specific instruction only.
This note contains the necessary information for a correct use of the following
product/s: Axess QR / Skyline.
This product is a personal protective device (P.P.E.). It is compliant with the Regu-
lation (EU) 2016/425. EN 361:2002 - Full body harnesses against falls from a
height. EN 358:2018 - Belts for work positioning and restraint. EN 813:2008
- Sit harnesses.
This product is intended to be integrated into fall pro-
tection systems, for example connectors and ropes.
For this product
the indications of the standard EN 365 must be respected (general instructions
/ paragraph 2.5).
For this product a periodic thorough inspection is
compulsory (general instructions / paragraph 8.)
1.1 - Intended uses.
The equipment is designed for the following applications: prevention of falls from
a height (EN 358 / EN 813); protection against falls from a height (EN 361).
Refer to the legend in the general instructions (paragraph
9 / table D): M2; M6; N1.
(Fig. 3). A) Label with marking. B) Adjustment buckle (mod.
Axess QR) or quick-release buckle (mod. Skyline) of chest harness. C) Element for
sternal attachment EN 361. D) Fastening straps for chest ascender. E) Capital
letter A, denoting EN 361 attachment points. F) Element for side attachment EN
358. G) Ventral attachment element EN 813 (mod. Axess QR) or EN 358 / EN
813 (mod. Skyline). H) Waistbelt adjustment buckles. I) The capital letter R, indi-
cating the attachment element EN 358, is intended for use only in work restraint.
L) Leg loop quick-release buckle with indicator for correct insertion and with a
system that avoids accidental sliding-through of the strap. M) Element for dorsal
attachment EN 361. N) Adjustment buckle rear chest harness. O) Waist belt gear
loops. P) Support webbing for Hook Rest. Q) Loops for tool-holder pouch. R) Loops
used for the connection of a work seat. T) Leg loop adjustment buckles.
3.1 - Main materials
. Refer to the legend in the general instructions (paragraph
2.4): 1 / 3 (attachment points and buckles); 7 / 10 / 12 (webbings and seams).
Numbers/letters without caption: refer to the legend in the general instructions
(paragraph 5).
4.1 - General
(Fig. 2). Indications: 1; 2; 4; 6; 7; 8; 11; 12; 15; 17; 18; 30)
Pictogram showing how to close and fix the adjustment buckles; 31) Pictogram
showing incorrect attachment point (Equipment-carrying loop). 32) Area to fill
in for the identification of the device; 33) Diagram showing the correct use of
attachment points. 34) Indication of webbing intended only for the insertion of the
Hook Rest support. 35) Caption indicating the loops intended for the connection
of a work-positioning seat.
4.2 - Traceability
(Fig. 2)
Indications: T2; T3; T8; T9.
Further to the checks listed below, comply with what indicated in the general
instructions (paragraph 3). During each use: it is important to check regularly the
buckles and/or the adjustment devices.
Choose a harness of a suitable size, by consulting the chart (Fig. 1),
containing the following data: A) Height of the user; B) Circumference of the belt;
C) Circumference of leg loops.
6.1 - Putting the harness on.
1) Unfasten and extend the leg loops and (for Skyline
model only) the chest harness using the corresponding quick-release buckles. Ex-
tend the waist belt and the shoulder straps using their own adjustment buckles (Fig.
5.1-6.1). 2) Move into the harness as shown (Fig. 5.2-6.2) and lift the shoulder
straps up until they rest on the shoulders (Fig. 5.3- 6.3). For Skyline model only,
fasten the quick-release buckle of the left shoulder strap (Fig. 6.4).
6.2 - Fastening and adjustment.
1) Adjust the waist belt using the adjustment
buckles (Fig. 5.4-6.5) in order to make it fit perfectly to the body without being
too tight. Pass any excess strap through the appropriate retainers. 2) Fasten the leg
loops (Fig. 5.5-6.6) and adjust them using the quick-release buckles (Fig. 5.6-6.7)
to the point that there is space enough to insert a hand between the leg loop and
the leg. Pass any excess strap through the appropriate retainers. 3) By using the
adjustment buckle N, adjust the distance between chest harness and waist belt
in order to place the attachment point to the correct height (Fig. 5.7-6.8). 4) For
Skyline model only, adjust the rear webbing of the leg loops using the dedicated
buckles (Fig. 6.9), so that they are not excessively slack. This adjustment is espe-
cially important when using the EN 361 rear attachment point. 5) Finally, adjust
the chest harness using the adjustment buckles (Fig. 5.8-6.10). Pass any excess
strap through the appropriate retainers.
Before use, perform a test for
fitting and adjustability in a safe place, in order to make sure that the harness is
of the correct size, it enables adequate adjustment and it has an acceptable level
of comfort for its intended use.
6.3 - Ventral rope clamp.
The harness is equipped with two fastening straps
designed for the attachment of a chest ascender. To install the ventral rope clamp,
a triangular quick-link (ø 10 mm) has to be used and, if present, a positioning
support FIXBAR, following the instructions in Figure (Fig. 7-8). The positioning
support Fixbar, if present, is used to hold the triangular quick link in place and the
drawings show the correct way to mount it (Fig. 8.1÷8.3).
The Fixbar
is not a PPE and is not designed to support the weight of the user.
error can have extremely serious consequences, any other way of mounting and
use is forbidden.
6.4 - Work positioning seat.
The harness is provided with two loops for the
fastening of a work positioning seat (Fig. 17.1-17.2). This solution increases the
comfort during use and leaves free the ventral attachment point for other manoeu-
vres. Alternatively, it is anyway possible to attach the work positioning seat to the
ventral attachment point (Fig. 17.3).
Any activity carried out at height requires the use of Personal Protection Equipment
(PPE) as a protection against the risk of a fall. Before accessing the work station,
all the risk factors must be evaluated (environmental, concomitant, consequential).
7.1 - EN 361:2002.
The device complies with EN 361 standard and the tests
were carried out and passed using a 140 kg dummy.
In case of use
by users weighing more than 100 kg (equipment included) always check the
compatibility of the energy absorbers used in terms of declared load. The sternal
and dorsal attachment elements are marked with the letter A and are intended for
the connection to a fall arrest equipment covered by EN 363 (for example: energy
absorber, guided type fall arrester, etc). A full body harness against falls from a
height is a component of a fall arrest system, and it must be used in combination
with anchorages EN 795, shock absorbers EN 355, connectors EN 362 etc.
To connect to a reliable anchor point or to a connection subsystem,
only use EN 362 connectors.
Please check the value of the clearance
distance of the fall arrest device used in the instruction manual.
anchor points that comply with the EN 795 standard can be used (minimum
strength 12 kN or 18 kN for non-metallic anchors) that do not have sharp edges.
The user must always be positioned below the anchor point.
7.2 - EN 358:2018.
The belt is approved for use by a user of 140 kg, tools and
equipment included. The lateral attachment elements are intended for the user’s
positioning at the work station and must be used to connect a work-positioning
lanyard. The ventral attachment element, certified to EN 358 or EN 358 / EN
813, can also be used to connect a work-positioning or restraint lanyard. Make
sure it is possible to rest the feet to work in a comfortable way. Adjust the posi-
tioning lanyard in such a way that it is in tension; that the anchor point is at a
height equal to or greater than the height of the waist belt.
elements EN 358 are not suitable to arrest a fall. A work positioning belt should
not be used where the foreseeable risk of the user being suspended from the belt
or exposed to an involuntary tension through the belt itself exists.
a work positioning system, the user is normally supported by the equipment. As
a consequence, it is essential to consider using a backup system such as a fall
protection system.
The two lateral attachment elements must always
be used together, by linking them with a positioning lanyard.
The rear
attachment point, identified by the letter R, is intended for use in a restraint system
and thus it can only be used to prevent the user from entering an area where a
fall is possible.
7.3 - EN 813:2008.
Maximum rated load: 140 kg. The ventral attachment ele-
ment is intended for use in work positioning and restraint systems and rope access
systems. It can be used to connect a positioning lanyard, a restraint lanyard, a
descender, etc.
The attachment element EN 813 is not suitable to arrest
a fall.
The user must always be positioned below the anchor point.
7.4 - Additional warnings.
1) Gear loops are to be used only to hang materials.
Do not use for other purposes (fastening, abseiling etc.).
The horizontal
webbing located on the shoulders are designed exclusively to insert the Hook Rest
support (Ref. No. 6V522) and should not be used for other purposes (Fig. 13.1).
The Hook Rest support is exclusively designed for the positioning of a fall arrester
lanyard while not in use. (Fig. 14.1-16). It is designed to release the connector
if subjected to a load exceeding a few kilograms, so that it does not interfere
with the opening of the energy absorber in the event of a fall (Fig. 16.3). 2) Inert
suspension in the harness can cause serious physiological injuries and, in extreme
cases, fatality.
Take all the necessary precautions to minimize the likeli-
hood of an inert suspension and its duration.
Refer to the legend in the general instructions (paragraph 16): F1.