2019May 16 01:35:54 Switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %CARDCLIENT-2-SSE: LC_READY sent
2019May 16 01:36:18 Switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %CARDCLIENT-2-SSE: MOD:3 SUP ONLINE
Step 5
After the supervisor 3E module is online, the configurations are copied to the supervisor 3E module.
Sup2E syslogs
<Thu May 16 01:36:43 2019> Standby Supervisor-3 (N77-SUP3E) has come online, configs
will be copied
<Thu May 16 01:36:43 2019> Saving configuration now. Please wait ...
[########################################] 100%
Copy complete.
/mnt/plog/migration_cli.log: 3.35 kB 85.81 kB/s
Step 6
System switchover is then initiated. This process moves the supervisor 3E module from the HA-standby mode to Active
mode. The SSH/telnet session is disconnected during the switchover. You have to then reconnect to the SSH/telnet session.
Also, ensure that the console link and the management link is connected to the newly inserted supervisor-3E module.
Sup2E syslogs
<Thu May 16 01:37:26 2019> Supervisor-2 (N77-SUP2E) will switchover to Supervisor-3
(N77-SUP3E) now
<Thu May 16 01:37:26 2019> Switchover is successful, Supervisor-3 (N77-SUP3E) is
now active
User Access Verification
Switch login:
Sup3E syslogs
Switch(standby)# 2019May 16 01:37:26 Switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %KERN-2-SYSTEM_MSG: [
553.259393] Switchover started by redundancy driver - kernel
2019May 16 01:37:26 Switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %SYSMGR-2-HASWITCHOVER_PRE_START: This
supervisor is becoming active (pre-start phase).
2019May 16 01:37:26 Switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %SYSMGR-2-HASWITCHOVER_START: Supervisor 3 is
becoming active.
2019May 16 01:37:27 Switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %SYSMGR-2-SWITCHOVER_OVER: Switchover
Step 7
After the switchover to the supervisor 3E module is completed, the boot parameters are set for the supervisor migration
process. Do not set any configuration parameters until the boot parameters are set. After the boot parameters are set, the
migration process is complete. Use the
show boot
command to display the current boot variables and the
show module
command to display the modules installed in the switch.
Sup3E syslogs
2019May 16 01:37:39 Switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %BOOTVAR-2-SUP3_MIGRATION_CONFIG_STARTED:
Setting boot parameters for supervisor migration process, it might take some time.
Please do not replace Supervisor-2 (N77-SUP2E) in standby slot with Supervisor-3
(N77-SUP3E) and set any config parameters until migration is complete.
Switch# 2019Apr 23 00:18:53 Switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %BOOTVAR-2-SUP3_MIGRATION_
COMPLETE: Migration process is complete now. Supervisor-2 (N77-SUP2E) in standby slot
can now be replaced with Supervisor-3 (N77-SUP3E).
Switch# show boot
Current Boot Variables:
kickstart variable = bootflash:/n7700-s3-kickstart.8.4.1.bin system variable =
Boot POAP Disabled sup-2
kickstart variable = bootflash:/n7700-s3-kickstart.8.4.1.bin system variable =
Boot POAP Disabled
Boot Variables on next reload:
Cisco Nexus 7710 Switch Site Preparation and Hardware Installation Guide
Installing or Replacing Modules, Fan Trays, and Power Supplies
Case 2: Single Supervisor Migration