Cisco 12404 Internet Router Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco 12404 Internet Router
Starting the Router and Observing Initial Conditions
When you start an unconfigured system for the first time, the console screen
displays a system banner and then automatically starts the System Configuration
Observe the Cisco IOS banner on the console screen. If a Flash memory card
containing a valid Cisco IOS software image is inserted in PCMCIA slot 0 and the
software configuration register is set to 0x0102 (the factory default setting), the
router automatically boots using this image.
As the router boots the Cisco IOS software image, the console screen displays a
system banner similar to the following.
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) GS Software (IR-P-M), Experimental Version
12.0(20020120:204554) [Krathay]
Copyright (c) 1986-2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Sat 20-Apr-02 18:34 by kragily
The system banner that appears depends on the image version of the Cisco IOS
software that the system is running.
If the ROM monitor prompt (rommon>) appears on the system console, your
router did not find a valid system image, or the boot sequence was otherwise
interrupted, and the system entered read-only memory (ROM) monitor mode.
To boot a Cisco IOS software image manually, enter the
command on the
system console.
For information on using one of the various forms of the
command, see the
following sections.
Booting from the Cisco IOS Software Image, page 3-51
Locating a Valid Cisco IOS Software Image, page 3-50
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