Call participants to create conference
Your system administrator determines whether noninitiators of a conference can add or remove participants.
Step 1
From a call, press
Step 2
Enter the phone number of the participant.
Step 3
Wait for the call to connect.
Step 4
again to add the participant to your call.
Step 5
Repeat to add additional participants.
Add contacts to conference
Step 1
From a call, tap
Step 2
Drag a contact from the contact list to the call.
Step 3
Repeat to add additional participants.
Join conference
Join allows you to combine two or more existing calls to create a conference in which you are a participant.
If you frequently join more than two parties into a single conference, you may find it useful to first select
the calls that you want to join together, and then tap
to complete the action.
When Join completes, the caller ID changes to
You may be able to combine multiple conference calls by using the
button. Contact your system
administrator to see if this feature is available to you.
A Call Chaperone user can conference only the first caller. The other participants in the conference can
conference subsequent callers.
Cisco Desktop Collaboration Experience DX600 Series User Guide, Release 10.0(1)
Calling tasks
Conference calls