Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Software Configuration Guide—Release 8.7
Chapter 42 Configuring Web-Based Proxy Authentication
Understanding How Web-Based Proxy Authentication Works
If you enable web-based proxy authentication without configuring this ACE, the HTTP/HTTPS packets
are not intercepted and authentication is not initiated. The host traffic in this scenario is controlled by
the default policy that is configured on the port/VLAN.
Web-based proxy authentication notifies URL redirection through the software when a new host is
detected and provides a callback function for the intercepted HTTP packets.
Access Control
Access control is provided by PBACLs. You can use a PBACL to configure the intercept, default, and
host-specific ACLs.
PBACLs are mapped to a VLAN. All ports in the VLAN have the default access specified by the PBACL
We recommend that you enable web-based proxy authentication on all ports in the VLAN.
Supported HTML Pages for Web-Based Proxy Authentication
This section describes the following HTML pages required to support web-based proxy authentication:
Login Page, page 42-5
Success Page, page 42-6
Login-Fail Page, page 42-6
Login Page
The login page displays at the client in response to the first URL intercept. Web-based proxy
authentication supports a customized login page. The customized login page needs the URL (HTTP
only) of the login page. The login page contains the following fields:
Username—character string
Password—character string
Radio button with the following options:
I have a registered account
I have a Guest account
I don’t have an account
The submit button in the login page points to the HTTPS URL if the switch supports the HTTPS
protocol. If HTTPS is not supported, the login page points to the HTTP URL.
A default login page is sent if a customized login page is not specified.