Software Upgrade Process
ISSU Upgrade for Redundant Platforms
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Copy in
26366156 bytes copied in 2.857 secs (9228616 bytes/sec)
issu loadversion rp 1 file stby-bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg force
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
WARNING: In-service installation of IOSD package
WARNING: requires software redundancy on target RP
WARNING: or on-reboot parameter
WARNING: Automatically setting the on-reboot flag
WARNING: In-service installation of RP Base package
WARNING: requires software reboot of target RP
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Checking command output
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
Determining whether installation is valid
Determining whether installation is valid ... skipped
Checking IPC compatibility for candidate software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software ... skipped
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
SUCCESS: Software provisioned. New software will load on reboot.
hw-module slot r1 reload
*Sep 25 19:16:29.709: %ASR1000_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (rp) offline in slot R1
*Sep 25 19:16:29.787: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault