C i s c o C o n f i d e n t i a l - B e t a R e v i e w R 3 . 7. 1
SNMP Server Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show snmp
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
24 Response PDUs
13 Trap PDUs
SNMP logging: enabled
Logging to, 0/10, 13 sent, 0 dropped.
describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 74
show snmp Field Descriptions
Chassis ID string.
SNMP packets input
Total number of SNMP packets input.
Bad SNMP version errors
Number of packets with an invalid SNMP version.
Unknown community name
Number of SNMP packets with an unknown community name.
Illegal operation for
community name supplied
Number of packets requesting an operation not allowed for that
Encoding errors
Number of SNMP packets that were improperly encoded.
Number of requested
Number of variables requested by SNMP managers.
Number of altered variables
Number of variables altered by SNMP managers.
Get-request PDUs
Number of get requests received
Get-next PDUs
Number of get-next requests received.
Set-request PDUs
Number of set requests received.
SNMP packets output
Total number of SNMP packets sent by the device.
Too big errors
Number of SNMP packets that were larger than the maximum packet
Maximum packet size
Maximum size of SNMP packets.
No such name errors
Number of SNMP requests that specified a MIB object that does not
Bad values errors
Number of SNMP set requests that specified an invalid value for a
MIB object.
General errors
Number of SNMP set requests that failed due to some other error. (It
is not a noSuchName error, badValue error, or any of the other specific
Response PDUs
Number of responses sent in reply to requests.
Trap PDUs
Number of SNMP traps sent.
SNMP logging
Enabled or disabled logging.
Number of traps sent.
Number of traps dropped. Traps are dropped when the trap queue for
a destination exceeds the maximum length of the queue, as set by the
snmp-server queue-length