C i s c o C o n f i d e n t i a l - B e t a R e v i e w R 3 . 7. 1
Process and Memory Management Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show processes
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
describes the significant fields shown in the display.
show processes
command displays details of memory usage for a given process or for all
processes, as shown in the following example:
show processes memory
JID Text Data Stack Dynamic Process
393 2732032 647168 65536 1000247296 syslogd
239 3309568 274432 102400 71966720 ipv4_rib
65557 507904 290816 32768 65277952 devb-ata
123 9129984 2932736 143360 52883456 bgp
314 7483392 1077248 69632 24870912 ospf
228 3244032 204800 36864 18554880 ipv4_acl_mgr
192 4718592 651264 192512 16470016 gsp
185 2682880 241664 24576 13172736 fgid_server
321 4481024 724992 69632 9764864 parser_server
392 4132864 155648 86016 7524352 sysdb_svr_shared
257 3149824 262144 69632 7499776 ipv6_rib
58 38264832 249856 28672 6156288 dllmgr
205 5115904 884736 94208 5091328 ifmgr
309 4796416 688128 32768 4251648 nvgen_server
302 8683520 1105920 110592 3866624 netio
361 2605056 122880 12288 3866624 schema_server
280 3551232 684032 53248 3563520 lpts_pa
382 4337664 258048 57344 3518464 statsd_manager
391 3399680 102400 36864 3375104 sysdb_svr_local
398 6438912 819200 561152 3178496 tcp
373 6778880 466944 49152 2850816 snmpd
296 5144576 737280 98304 2842624 mrib
Table 71
show processes Field Descriptions
Job id
Job ID. This field remains constant over process restarts.
Process ID. This field changes when process is restarted.
Executable path
Path for the process executable.
There may be more than one instance of a process running at
a given time (each instance may have more than one thread).
Version ID
API version.
ON or OFF. The field indicates if this process restarts
automatically in case of failure.
Respawn count
Number of times this process has been (re)started (that is, the
first start makes this count 1).
Max. spawns per minute
Number of respawns not to be exceeded in 1 minute. If this
number is exceeded, the process stops restarting.
Last started
Date and time the process was last started.
Process state
Current state of the process.
Started on config
Configuration command that started (or would start) this
Memory segments to include in core file.
Max. core
Number of times to dump a core file. 0 = infinity.