C i s c o C o n f i d e n t i a l - B e t a R e v i e w R 3 . 7. 1
Software Package Management Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show install committed
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Related Commands
Table 46
show install committed Field Descriptions
Boot Image
Location on the dSC of the active minimum boot image (MBI) used to boot
the node.
Commited Packages
Active packages committed on the node.
Adds a software package or SMU to the active software set.
Makes the current active software set persistent across RP reloads.
Displays active software packages.
Displays active software packages.
Displays information about a package.
Displays information about the packages contained in a PIE file.
Displays the origin of a component, package, or file.