Problem Report Tool
Users submit problem reports to you with the Problem Report Tool.
The Problem Report Tool logs are required by Cisco TAC when troubleshooting problems. The logs are
cleared if you restart the phone. Collect the logs before you restart the phones.
To issue a problem report, users access the Problem Report Tool and provide the date and time that the problem
occurred, and a description of the problem.
You must add a server address to the
Customer Support Upload URL
field on Cisco Unified Communications
If you are deploying devices with Mobile and Remote Access through Expressway, you must also add the
PRT server address to the HTTP Server Allow list on the Expressway server.
Configure a Customer Support Upload URL
You must use a server with an upload script to receive PRT files. The PRT uses an HTTP POST mechanism,
with the following parameters included in the upload (utilizing multipart MIME encoding):
• devicename (example: “SEP001122334455”)
• serialno (example: “FCH12345ABC”)
• username (the username configured in CUCM, the device owner)
• prt_file (example: “probrep-20141021-162840.tar.gz”)
A sample script is shown below. This script is provided for reference only. Cisco does not provide support
for the upload script installed on a customer's server.
// NOTE: you may need to edit your php.ini file to allow larger
// size file uploads to work.
// Modify the setting for upload_max_filesize
// I used:
upload_max_filesize = 20M
// Retrieve the name of the uploaded file
$filename = basename($_FILES['prt_file']['name']);
// Get rid of quotes around the device name, serial number and username if they exist
$devicename = $_POST['devicename'];
$devicename = trim($devicename, "'\"");
$serialno = $_POST['serialno'];
$serialno = trim($serialno, "'\"");
$username = $_POST['username'];
$username = trim($username, "'\"");
// where to put the file
$fullfilename = "/var/prtuploads/".$filename;
// If the file upload is unsuccessful, return a 500 error and
// inform the user to try again
if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['prt_file']['tmp_name'], $fullfilename)) {
header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
Cisco IP Conference Phone 8832 Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Cisco IP Conference Phone Administration
Problem Report Tool