• Initial password for accessing the voice messaging system.
Make sure that you have configured a default voice messaging system password for all users.
• How the phone indicates that voice messages are waiting.
Make sure that you have used Cisco Unified Communications Manager to set up a message waiting
indicator (MWI) method.
Phone Configuration Files
Configuration files for a phone are stored on the TFTP server and define parameters for connecting to Cisco
Unified Communications Manager. In general, any time you make a change in Cisco Unified Communications
Manager that requires the phone to be reset, a change is automatically made to the phone configuration file.
Configuration files also contain information about which image load the phone should be running. If this
image load differs from the one currently loaded on a phone, the phone contacts the TFTP server to request
the required load files.
If you configure security-related settings in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, the
phone configuration file will contain sensitive information. To ensure the privacy of a configuration file, you
must configure it for encryption. For more information, see the documentation for your particular Cisco
Unified Communications Manager release. A phone requests a configuration file whenever it resets and
registers with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
A phone accesses a default configuration file named XmlDefault.cnf.xml from the TFTP server when the
following conditions exist:
• You have enabled autoregistration in Cisco Unified Communications Manager
• The phone has not been added to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database
• The phone is registering for the first time
Phone Behavior During Times of Network Congestion
Anything that degrades network performance can affect phone voice and in some cases can cause a call to
drop. Sources of network degradation can include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
• Administrative tasks, such as an internal port scan or security scan
• Attacks that occur on your network, such as a Denial of Service attack
Cisco IP Conference Phone 8832 Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
About the Cisco IP Conference Phone
Phone Configuration Files