Step 3
Save your modifications and close the Ringlist-wb file.
Step 4
To cache the new Ringlist-wb file:
• Stop and start the TFTP service by using Cisco Unified Serviceability
• Disable and reenable the “Enable Caching of Constant and Bin Files at Startup” TFTP service parameter,
located in the Advanced Service Parameters area.
Related Topics
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Documentation
, on page 12
Custom Ring File Formats
The Ringlist-wb.xml file defines an XML object that contains a list of phone ring types. This file includes up
to 50 ring types. Each ring type contains a pointer to the PCM file that is used for that ring type and the text
that appears on the Ring Type menu on a Cisco IP Phone for that ring. The Cisco TFTP server for each Cisco
Unified Communications Manager contains this file.
The CiscoIPPhoneRinglist XML object uses the following simple tag set to describe the information:
The following characteristics apply to the definition names. You must include the required DisplayName and
FileName for each phone ring type.
• DisplayName specifies the name of the custom ring for the associated PCM file that displays on the Ring
Type menu of the Cisco IP Phone.
• FileName specifies the name of the PCM file for the custom ring to associate with DisplayName.
The DisplayName and FileName fields must not exceed 25 characters in length.
This example shows a Ringlist-wb.xml file that defines two phone ring types:
<DisplayName>Analog Synth 1</DisplayName>
<DisplayName>Analog Synth 2</DisplayName>
The PCM files for the rings must meet the following requirements for proper playback on Cisco IP Phones:
• Raw PCM (no header)
• 8000 samples per second
Cisco IP Conference Phone 8832 Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Cisco IP Conference Phone Administration
Custom Ring File Formats