Cisco 10000 Series Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 13 Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding
Configuration Examples of uRPF
RTP/IP header compression is disabled
Probe proxy name replies are disabled
Policy routing is disabled
Network address translation is disabled
BGP Policy Mapping is disabled
Input features: uRPF
IP verify source reachable-via ANY
5 verification drops
5 suppressed verification drops
0 verification drop-rate
Example 13-3
shows how uRPF drops can also be seen at the PXF using the show pxf cpu statistics drop
interface command.
Example 13-3 show pxf cpu statistics drop interface Command
router# sh pxf cpu statistics drop g8/1/0
FP drop statistics for GigabitEthernet8/1/0
packets bytes
vcci undefined 0 0
bad vlan id 0 0
vcci 9E6
in l2 max mtu 0 0
in l2 min mtu 0 0
encap not supported 0 0
mlfr fragament 0 0
mpls not enabled 0 0
ip version 0 0
ip header length 0 0
ip length max 0 0
ip length min 0 0
ip checksum 0 0
fib rpf fail 0 0
acl denied 0 0
ttl 0 0
unreachable 0 0
df multicast 0 0
police input drop 0 0
police output drop 0 0
out l2 max mtu 0 0
out l2 min mtu 0 0
tunnel no match 0 0
iedge input drop(s) 0 0
iedge output drop(s) 0 0
Configuration Examples of uRPF
This section provides the following configuration examples:
Configuring Loose Mode uRPF
Configuring Loose Mode uRPF with the allow-self-ping Option
Configuring Loose Mode uRPF with the allow-default Option