Chipcon AS
CC2420DBK Demonstration Board Kit User Manual
(rev. 1.3) 2004-11-03 Page 3/ 52
The CC2420 is a single-chip IEEE 802.15.4 compliant and ZigBee™ ready RF transceiver. It
provides a highly integrated, flexible low-cost solution for applications using the world wide
unlicensed 2.4 GHz frequency band. The CC2420DBK demonstration board kit is a
complement to the development kit (DK) as the hardware is representative of an actual
application, and it is well suited as a prototyping platform for application code.
The CC2420DBK Demonstration Board Kit includes two CC2420DB Demonstration Boards.
These boards contain a CC2420 with necessary support components, an Atmel Atmega128L
AVR microcontroller, 32 kBytes external RAM, a PCB antenna, as well as a joystick, buttons
and LED's that can be used to implement a visual user application interface. The
demonstration board is also furnished with connectors where all of the internal signals on the
PCB are available.
This User Manual describes how to use the CC2420DBK Demonstration Board Kit. Atmel’s
AVR Studio and associated software is used to program and debug software. Please see the
reference section of this document for links to Atmel’s documentation on how to use their
Your CC2420DBK Demonstration Board Kit should contain the following items:
Kit contents
Number of articles
Demonstration Board (CC2420DB)
Quick Start instructions
CC2420DB Important Notice (From revision 1.5 and newer)
CC2420 sample kit
RS-232 cable
Contact your local telecommunication authorities before transmitting an RF signal to ensure
that there are no local restrictions on the use of the 2.400 –2483.5 ISM band. The CC2420
operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency band. Although this frequency band is usually described
as “world-wide”, some countries do not allow unlicensed operation in this band.