CC2420DB Current Measurement and Consumption
It is fully possible to measure the actual current consumption with CC2420DB. To measure
the current jumper J1 must be removed and an ampere meter connected in series. The
current measurement is performed for the current total draw of the CC2420DB.
Figure 7: Connector P3 with ampere meter attached
To help minimize the current consumption of the CC2420DB for a specific IEEE 802.15.4
devices the default jumper J3 can be moved to enable software control of the RS-232 driver.
The external RAM will always draw 2mA in any power down mode since its power supply
cannot be disabled. Hence, if the external RAM (U3) is removed the current consumption will
decrease with 2mA.
The jumper J2 is controlling the power for the potentiometer (RT1) and temperature sensor
(U2), which will also contribute to the total current consumption in any power down mode.
Chipcon AS
CC2420DBK Demonstration Board Kit User Manual
(rev. 1.3) 2004-11-03 Page 11/ 52