Route Options
Press to display the various route option preferences.
Fastest, Shortest, or Other: Press one of these options while planning a route.
Automatic Recalculation:
If enabled and a route with fewer traffic delays is found, the system will automatically recalculate without user confirmation.
Calculate After Confirmation:
If enabled, the system will provide a pop-up if a possible guidance route is available to detour around traffic events on
the route. Select Yes from the pop-up and the new route will be calculated. SiriusXM® NavTraffic information might not
be provided for the alternate route, depending on what type of road the vehicle is traveling.
Avoid Freeways: Press to avoid major roads. A checkmark appears to indicate the Avoid mode is on.
Avoid Toll Roads: Press to avoid toll roads. A checkmark appears to indicate the Avoid mode is on.
Avoid Ferries: Press to avoid ferries. A checkmark appears to indicate the Avoid mode is on.
Avoid Tunnels: Press to avoid tunnels. A checkmark appears to indicate the Avoid mode is on.
Phone Menu
Press to display options for setting the phone. See Bluetooth for more information on phone settings.
Display Settings