Press Accept to answer the call or press Ignore to disregard the incoming call.
If the call is accepted, a Phone Information screen displays.
Call Waiting
Call waiting must be supported on the Bluetooth phone and enabled by the wireless service carrier to work.
While a call is active, the screen buttons at the bottom change to make alternate functions available. Press the Hold
screen button to place the active call on hold.
Swapping Calls
This feature allows swapping between two active calls. This feature is grayed out during a conference call.
Conference Calling
Conference and three-way calling must be supported on the Bluetooth phone and enabled by the wireless service carrier
to work.
To start a conference while in a current call:
1. Press the Phone screen button on the Home Page until the Phone main screen is shown with the current active call.
2. Press the Conf screen button at the bottom of the Phone main screen to join two other calls.
3. Select any of the available options on the Add Call Menu screen to make a call.