Inward or Outward Door Operator
2) Connect the RADARs, the Day/Night switch to the unit identified as MASTER (if
Connect the RADARs, the Day/Night switch to the unit identified as MASTER (if
The contacts NC of the safety devices ( photocells ) can be connected in 2 ways:
The contacts NC of the safety devices ( photocells ) can be connected in 2 ways:
• Connect the photocells contacts to the terminals 5,6,7 of the corresponding unit
Connect the photocells contacts to the terminals 5,6,7 of the corresponding unit
electronic card (recommended)
electronic card (recommended)
• Put in serial the contacts of all the photocells, connect them to the terminals 5,6,7
Put in serial the contacts of all the photocells, connect them to the terminals 5,6,7
of the MASTER unit and make a bridge to the contacts 5,6,7 of the SLAVE unit.
of the MASTER unit and make a bridge to the contacts 5,6,7 of the SLAVE unit.
Connect the electrolock to the MASTER unit
Connect the electrolock to the MASTER unit
On the SLAVE unit memorize
On the SLAVE unit memorize only
only the 4ch remote control needed to navigate in the
the 4ch remote control needed to navigate in the
SLAVE unit menu, on the Master unit memorise the navigation transmitter and any
SLAVE unit menu, on the Master unit memorise the navigation transmitter and any
other transmitter used to open the door
other transmitter used to open the door
ATTENTION : Do not configure the same 4ch navigation transmitter on both
ATTENTION : Do not configure the same 4ch navigation transmitter on both
the units!
the units!
Part III : Final set-up
Part III : Final set-up
Follow the
Follow the set-up
set-up procedure here under both 2 x single motors
procedure here under both 2 x single motors (DWPSxx)
(DWPSxx) and for a
and for a
double door unit
double door unit (DWPDxx)
This can be completed only if the mechanical and electrical installations have been
This can be completed only if the mechanical and electrical installations have been
Move to pos. “0” the external switches of both units.
Move to pos. “0” the external switches of both units.
Open the MASTER leaf completely and leave it open.
Open the MASTER leaf completely and leave it open.
Close the SLAVE leaf.
Close the SLAVE leaf.
Verify that the safety inputs (terminals 5-6-7) of the SLAVE unit are shorted or connected
Verify that the safety inputs (terminals 5-6-7) of the SLAVE unit are shorted or connected
to the corresponding safety photocells (FTC and FTC-S) and that LEDs L3 and L4 are
to the corresponding safety photocells (FTC and FTC-S) and that LEDs L3 and L4 are
stable on.
stable on.
Using the keyboard or using the 4ch transmitter memorised on the SLAVE unit, temporarily
Using the keyboard or using the 4ch transmitter memorised on the SLAVE unit, temporarily
set the unit of the SLAVE door to ONE DOOR configuration [default value].
set the unit of the SLAVE door to ONE DOOR configuration [default value].
Follow the Door CALIBRATION procedure, corresponding to the STEP III, described on
Follow the Door CALIBRATION procedure, corresponding to the STEP III, described on
page 22 of this manual, up to the end, and leave the door CLOSED.
page 22 of this manual, up to the end, and leave the door CLOSED.
Close the MASTER leaf.
Close the MASTER leaf.
Verify that the safety inputs
Verify that the safety inputs (terminals 5-6-7)
(terminals 5-6-7) of the MASTER unit are shorted or connected
of the MASTER unit are shorted or connected
to the corresponding safety photocells (FTC and FTC-S) and that the LEDs
to the corresponding safety photocells (FTC and FTC-S) and that the LEDs L3 and L4 are
L3 and L4 are
stable on.
stable on.
Using the keyboard or using the 4ch transmitter memorized on the unit MASTER, set
Using the keyboard or using the 4ch transmitter memorized on the unit MASTER, set
temporarily the unit of the door MASTER in ONE DOOR configuration [default value].
temporarily the unit of the door MASTER in ONE DOOR configuration [default value].
NOTE: The MASTER functions as the reference for the double door: the radars and the
NOTE: The MASTER functions as the reference for the double door: the radars and the
other devices must be connected to this unit only.
other devices must be connected to this unit only.