4.1 Power Pack Installa on
• The
™ Power Pack has a Ingress Protec
on Rang
of IP23 enabling it to be installed
outdoors. Regula
ons require that the Power Pack shall be installed outside the pool zone.
• The Power Pack shall be installed according to AS/NZS 3000 wiring rules.
• The Power Pack should be installed in a well ven lated posi on ideally away from sunlight
and rain to prolong life and at least 1m above ground to prevent run off water entry.
• Ensure that the Power Pack is not stored near chemicals, fer lisers or in a closed
unven lated shed with similar products as the fumes will cause excessive corrosion and
damage to the Power Pack and Control Board.
• When moun ng the Power Pack on a post it is recommended to install a flat panel at least
the size of the Power Pack to act as a waterproof backing plate.
• Mount the Power Pack with the Green Plugs and Moun ng Screws provided.
The Power Pack should be mounted no further than 1.5 metres from the Chlorinator Cell,
ease of opera on of the controls on the Power Pack.
4.2 Cell Electrode Installa on
• Connect the Cell Housing horizontally in the return line to the pool (use reducing bushes
supplied if 40mm PVC pipe) using high pressure PVC glue. The Cell Housing can be mounted
ver cally but provision must be made for a gas trap.
• Direc on of water flow though the Cell Housing is not cri cal although we do recommend
entry from the closed end of the Cell Housing and exit from the end closest to the Cell
Locking Ring. The reason is to cause less water hammer over me on the cell plates.
• Check that the O-ring is clean, greased with silicone grease (
use petroleum based
jelly) and securely located in the Cell Housing.
• Fit the Cell Electrode and ensure Cell Locking Ring is firmly ghtened by hand (
a tool to ghten).
• Connect the leads from the Cell Electrode to the Junc on Box under the Power Pack
ensuring the colours match that indicated on the Junc on Box (RED – closest to the front,
WHITE – in the middle and BLACK – closest to the rear).
• Plug the Power Pack 3 pin plug into a suitable weatherproof RCD protected 10amp outlet
and then plug the pump into the 3 pin AC Socket located at the bo om of the Power Pack.
Should you require further informa