Not opera ng at all
no lights
Not plugged into power point or power point
not turned on
Plugged into power point and turned on but
s ll
no power
Wall outlet working but s ll no power
Check that unit power cord goes into wall
and outlet is turned on
Press Timer Switch to MANUAL
If you have checked all of the above then there
is an internal fault - call for service
Poten al Cause
Timer Switch in MANUAL s ll no lights
Test wall outlet with a working appliance
If you suspect for any reason your
™ Chlorinator is not performing
or running as it should be, here are some handy troubleshoo
ps that may assist you.
Not opera ng at all - some lights
When Timer Switch in MANUAL everything
works but nothing works in AUTO
Circuit Breaker stays out in a tripped state
1. Incorrect se ng of Timer – see Timer Se ng (sec. 6)
2. Faulty Timer – call for service
1. Press in Circuit Breaker on Power Pack
2. Make sure Cell Switch is ON
Faulty Circuit Breaker – call for service
1. Excessively high salt – check salt and lower it if needed
2. Short across Cell plates – remove Cell and check the
plates for any metal lying across plates
3. Faulty Rec fiers, Transformer or Cell cable – call for
1. Try pressing the + Bu on
2. If green LED's do not increase
3. Check Cell lead connec on at the Junc on Box, repair
if damaged or return for service
Ensure sufficient water flow through Chlorinator Cell
Check that the pump is on and running
Look for air pocket – perform backwash if needed
Check skimmer and pump baskets are clean and
securely ghtened
Check for suc on leaks
Seek advice from a pool professional for any of the above
Poten al Cause
Cell Switch ON but no LED output display
Circuit Breaker resets but trips again
When in MANUAL only the pump works
Water Flow LED flashing RED - low or no water flow
9.3 + Bu on not fully pressed
Green Output LED's not at 100%
Low salt level
Press the + Bu on Output should increase
Check salt level (sec. 7.2)
Calcium acts as an insulator and needs to be removed
See Cleaning of Cell Electrode (sec. 8.2)
Winter water temperature can be very low
For every 1°C below 28°C the output can drop 2-3%
Check water flow and ensure a full chamber of water is
passing over the Cell
You may need to backwash your filter
Damaged coa ng will reduce cell life and reduce output
If all condi ons are correct then Cell could be at the end
of its life
Cell may need cleaning (sec. 8.2) or the Cell may have
run its life in one direc on
Poten al Cause
Build up of calcium on the Cell plates
Water temperature is low
Insufficient water flow through the Cell
The Cell could be damaged or at the end of its life
Level low in one direc on but OK in the other