8.2. Inspec ng and Cleaning the Cell Electrode
Reverse Polarity cells (
models) should not normally require cleaning, however, in areas
with very hard water all calcium may not be removed. A calcium deposit might form on the
lower areas of the cell, the sensor or the sides of the cell plates. This will NOT affect the
on of your chlorinator.
All salt chlorinator cells must be cleaned before scale/calcium builds up to the point where the
electrode gaps in the Cell are bridged. If the Cell has excessive calcium deposit, this may damage the
electrode coa ng, as the bridging causes rubbing on the plate coa ng and this will affect the
opera on.
Check the Cell frequently to prevent the accumula on of pool debris that for any reason may have
by-passed the pool filter, par cularly a er backwashing.
Check that the O–ring is clean, greased with silicone grease (
use petroleum based jelly)
and securely located in the Cell Housing.
For cleaning, please follow these steps:
• Switch off the wall outlet switch as this ensures the pump and
™ unit will not turn
• Unscrew the Cell Locking Ring and remove the electrode for inspec on. If calcium
build–up is present, immerse the electrode in cell cleaning solu on.
• A solu on can be made by mixing 1 part hydrochloric acid to 10 parts of water.
If excessive build up is present a stronger solu on may be used to remove the calcium.
Using 5 parts of water will make a more aggressive solu on but will not damage the Cell.
You can use Cell Cleaning Solu ons and if you do then follow the instruc on supplied.
• Allow the cleaning solu on to dissolve the calcium deposits for 10 minutes. Dispose
of the cleaning solu on at an approved Council Depot and never into storm water or
sewage drains.
Returning this mix to your pool only returns the calcium you just removed, so
you may be be er off reusing the solu on un l exhausted then disposing of it. Always
store this solu on in a safe method as advised on the container.
• Do not scratch or bend the cell plates in the Cell Housing.
• Ensure that the O–ring is clean, greased and properly seated.
• Rinse the electrode in clean water and re–fit the electrode in the Cell Housing, ensuring
that the Cell Locking Ring is hand ght and secure.
• Turn on the wall outlet switch and the pump and chlorinator will return to the mode it was
in before.
• Turn on the unit and confirm chlorine output and mer se ngs on the Power Pack.
When mixing acid with water,
Eye Protec on, mask and gloves should be worn when cleaning the cell.