To adjust the me of the clock, simply hold the outside of the white segments and
turn the dial un l the clock reads the right me and the number near the mer
on/off arrow is close to the same number.
Your Timer is simple to use, easy to understand and a reliable well known design.
It has a ba ery back up func on if you operate your pool equipment from a low
tariff supply that turns off at mes. It does require at least 12 hours charging at
first but simply leave it alone and it will charge itself as required.
This me is set at 8:00am and the dial pointer shows
the 8:00 posi on as does the clock face hands
The Timer comes on where the pins that are pressed
out reach the White dial pointer (in this case it will
be from 6 – 10am and 4 – 8pm)
With White Lever in this posi on Power Pack is
With White Lever in this posi on Power Pack is in
AUTOMATIC and the mer se ng turns it
When White adjustable segment pins reach this
dial pointer (in AUTOMATIC posi on)
the Power Pack turns:
if pins pressed out
With White Lever in this posi on power pack is
if pins pulled in