Figure 2-12 Block Valve Insulation
Connect two drain lines to the EM-1 evaporator
drain pan assembly. Secure both drain lines with the
clamps provided with the system. One drain line can be
routed with the refrigerant hose and wiring harness,
while the other must be routed to the opposite side of the
bus. Drain lines must always run downhill, and care
must be taken not to kink the drain lines. Plastic 90
elbows may be required to keep drain lines from kinking.
If in doubt, use the elbows supplied.
After the drain lines have been routed to the outside
of the bus they should be cut approximately 6 inches
below the floor. Install condensate valve over the ends
of the drain lines. This prevents air from being drawn
through the lines into the evaporator which will stop the
flow of condensate from the drain pan. It also prevents
insects from entering the drain lines.
Drain Hose
Clamp, Drain Hose
Condensate Valve
Figure 2-13 Drain line & Condensate Valve
Fit evaporator cover over unit. If evaporator cover
needs no trimming mount cover with the hardware
Figure 2-14 Installed GEN 4 Evaporator
With the cover removed, note the distance between
the top of the unit and the contour of the bus ceiling. If
this distance is more than 1 inch, it must be closed off to
prevent any recirculation over top of the evaporator. Use
the evaporator trim strip provided. Flat or almost flat
ceilings do not require any trim strip.
Install return air grill to the evaporator cover. Some
trimming could be involved.
Trim this area
Return Air Grill
Figure 2-15 Return Air Grill
w Clean evaporator and hose covers with a mild
cleaning solution. Clean all debris from the interior of the
Figure 2-16 Painted Mounting Channel
For aesthetic purposes only, it is recommended that
the exterior reinforcing rails be painted the same color
as the bus exterior.
A typical installation drawing for a GEN-4 front or rear
mounted evaporator is shown in Figure 2-17 and a
completely installed rear mounted evaporator is shown
in Figure 2-18.